Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Selitan pasal Bola Keranjang

hrmm..skunk ak men tuk team Fenrir, team nie bru lpas men KLNC awl thun nie tp ak x men, tp untuk NCBL ak men, players semua berbakat, blh thn gak dorg nie...

ahad lpas NCBL dgn rasminya dh bermula, perlawanan pertama Fenrir dengan Titans(bukan malaya titans k) pada awl permainan agak janggal gaya permainan Fenrir, maybe xda chemist lg kot..smpai kn tngl dkt 20 mata, tp Fenrir brjaya merapatkan kdudukan...wlbgmnpn, kemenangan berpihak kepada Titans, dgn beza 5 mata...

hujung mggu nie plak Fenrir akn bertemu dgn Venom, name mcm bisa len mcm jer, tp xpe kt tngok jer nanti, mintak2 menang lah, ak x blik cuti nie bkn untuk kalah....hehehe..poyo di c2...tp x slhkn kalo think +ve..hehehe..

ape2 pon doakn yg terbaik untuk Fenrir, maybe team nie kn buat konsert kot nk bg ilang nervous..hehehe...perkembangan terbaru akn disusuli kemudian...adios amigos...

aku lihat dengar n aku coretkn disini-1

*serius cite btol tp cerita ini telah di modified (dr segi nama)..jln cerita msh suci..-yg dlm kurungan semua ayt ak-

2003(bulan x tau)-seorg remaja lelaki, hariz yang asalnya dari sarawak namun tlah lm menetap di semenanjung m'sia bru shja brpindh blik ke sarawak. namun pulang nya ke sarawak mmg trus msok pkan koboi...(kedai tutup pkol 6)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ronda-Ronda Cuti Sem


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jasa Seorang Guru...

name dia Cikgu Choong...ms aku bru pindah kat STAR kuching, dia PK HEM kat c2, mane dia g blh kata mesti ada rotan lbih kurng 1 meter besar duit 20sen(diameter) kat tngn die...ak knl die pon sbb ms aku daftar msuk pada bulan 3 2004, die yang smbut ak kat pejabat pengetua koz pengetua tngh mrh kat perhimpunan koz vending machine kat tepi kantin dikerjakan budak n budak 2 xnk ngaku, smpai kol 9 jugak lah bdk2 berhimpun...(kene jemur beb-slamat daftar lmbt sehari, kalo x dgn aku2 skali garing)
smbung blik ke cerita td, Cikgu Choong lah yang tlong bereskan borang2 semua, aku pon isi jelah mana yang patut..satel semua ak pon msuk klas..

beberapa bulan selepas itu....
sesi pengambila pengawas telah di buka...cikgu2 pon sibuklah calon kan nama2 yg terbaik (aku xdelah koz ak bru n terbalik bkan terbaik) so ak wat dono jelah...smggu lpas tarikh tutup sesi pengambilan pengawas baru, name semua dh kuar untuk provasion, tngh kelas ape tah aku pon x ingat, Cikgu Choong menerjah msuk ke kelas 4 al-farabi 1 (tngkat 3 tpi tngga A), dia tarik beberapa budak skali ngan aku..(eli, firdauze, faiz, lokman n aku pon x pasti) muke msing2 dh cuak..yela mane x nye semua muka pecah rumah (kecuali aku) hehehe, puas pk ape alasan wlpn x tau ape salah aku..(bengong kn?)...msuk blik die, die tutup pintu n tnye ape salah aku n yg len2..msing2 diam..then bru die bgtau niat die, die suh ak ngan dak2 len jd spy, perhatikan bdk2 yg ade name dlm pengawas n suh tngkp bdk isap rokok lah (rutin pengawas)..

dkt 2 mggu kot..then mula lah perlantikan pengawas bru (guru pengawas n yg lain2 semua x tau lgi ada name group aku td nih) bdk2 nie pon semua low profile lah, xnk kantoi ngan dak2 pengawas len...(kdng2 rase hebat dri pengawas len koz x perlu jd barisan, x perlu jg kat kantin, keje tngok org jer...ade x kn repot...)...then smpai dh nk buat majlis perlantikan Cikgu Choong pon bgtau yg die ada spy (bangga lgi) hehehe..then dri c2 lah aku fulltime pengawas, jdik ajk protokol n perhimpunan lak 2, peh PA system aku pegang beb, xde aku n group aku tros x jln program..

Dri c2 bru aku tahu CIkgu CHoong nie mcm mane, dia baik, x kira bangsa, (lgi2 skolah aku 99% melayu) die bgtau dlu sbb then bru die rotan, bdk x halang, sbb mmg slh dorg, die mmg blh d glar sbagai GURU, aku respek dia, lbh2 lgi die yg tlng menubuhkan kelab bsket kat skolah 2...blh kata bl pk pasal die xde pk buruk, bayng kan kumpulan nasyid pon die escort...NASYID 2 beb...die x kire bangsa, x kire agama, mmg die mengikut ikrar yg guru2 slalu laungkan ms hari guru...

semalam...aku dpt berite dr mantan ketua pengawas aku, yg die dh pergi buat selamanya, padam lah 1 lilin yang telah berjasa menerangi warga STAR 1 ketika dulu..die diktakn menghidapi kanser hati, dan telah terlantar 3 bulan d hospital..memang agak mengejutkan bg aku kerana dia bolah dikatakn muda lgi...tp dh ajal...aku terdiam seketika padahal sbelum dapt berita aku tngh melalak nyanyi lagu Slam-Kembali merindu, diam...sunyi...ntah lah ak rase aku kehilangan n aku x smpt nk tunjuk ape hasil didikan dia dlu (maksud aku bl d keje lah) kalau x kerana dia n guru2 lain mustahil aku mcm skunk/skarng...semoga jasa yang dia taburkan untuk warga star tidak disia2kan, dia dh bnyk memberi tunjuk ajar wlpn x formal, tp bg yang memahami pasti dpt diselitkan dlm kehidupan harian...jadi buktikan lah yang kita mapu berjaya, ingatlah usaha kita cuma sedikit sahaja jika d bnding kan 'highway' yg guru2 kita sediakn...ingat Cikgu Choong ingat taik palat...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

boring, bosan dan seumpama dengannya

yeargh....dh lm x bukak blog..berhabuk dh nie..haha...
blh dikatakn bz dengan final2 yang membuatkan aku runsing...
tp skunk nie sibuk nk crik keje lak..part time...nk try insurans kot..

nie dh stat cuti, hrmm tdi bru mintak nk stay kat ostel....mintak2 dpt..kalo x merempatlah ak...

apa yg aku buat ms cuti nie ek??
yeah, proses penurunan berat badan dengan penjadualan makanan dan senaman..(cam dpt ikut jer) hehe
jap nnt smbng..petir kuat lak

ha...bz2..x abes2 bz...smlm g training basketball...mlm nie g lgi..tp xpe bkn bebanan just nk bg lbh biasa dengan bola.. x tau nk tulis aper dh lak idea smlm ilang dalam tidur..heheheh...lapas training bru post tuk arinie kot...adios amigos..

Monday, March 15, 2010

more 14 bhp kat wira aku..

yeah..bez2..bru lpas pasang apexi open pod air filter, puas ati...esk nk g test, yeah, wlpn kdt 1/2 thn menunggu untuk pasang, bkn sbb ape x jmpe adaptor yg sesuai, akhirnya puas ati koz pasang sndiri..hahahaha...bunyi dh mengancam..menarik pehh laen mcm...next stage, 2kar gab adjustable absorber, then plug iridium or platinum tip skali gus dgn plug cable..hehehehe..tngu duit msyuk ckit jdik la..

jom kte tngok sdikit petikan dari research dak2 nie..

Induction Kit Review
One of the first modifications done to the Skyline is to fit an induction kit to rid the engine of the restrictive stock air box, which helps the engine breathe more easily. This is a very simple modification, and there are many different induction kits available. The next question is, "Which one is best?". This article relates to the 4 most popular kits available, being HKS, Apexi, Blitz and K & N.

What are the benefits of an Induction Kit?

The primary function of an Induction Kit is to clean the air before it enters the engine, but also to provide better air flow to improve the engines power output. The power output of an engine is proportional to the volume of air it can ingest at any given time, assuming that the fuelling is also set up correctly. The most minute restriction in the air induction system will cause an engine's optimum power output to drop. Maintaining optimum, unrestricted air flow becomes a problem when the air must pass through a filter element. There are many different designs of filters on the market, and each manufacturer will make claims that their design is more effective than their competitors. Generally, the greater the air flow restriction, the greater the power loss. Therefore, the ultimate acheivement is to choose as filter that will flow as much air as possible, witthout sacrificing filtration efficiency.

Blitz Sus Filter
The BLITZ 'Sus' Power air filters are made from T304 stainless steel which is totally unique to Blitz. The entire filtration element is made from a fine stainless steel mesh which means the filters never wear out and Blitz claim they have substantially less restriction than any other filter. Some of the other aftermarket filters are made from paper or foam elements, and some do require oiling to maintain their filtration capacity. According to Blitz, this oil gradually disperses into the inlet tracts of an engine, and coats the walls and in particular the air flow sensor, slowly reducing the performance of the vehicle. The Blitz air filters also have the same fine mesh in the top of the filter, which improves the amount of air they can flow, and because the element is 100% metallic, Blitz claim the induction note it produces is similar to a Touring car or group 'A' rally car.

Blitz Claim:

"The Blitz air filter is by far the best performing and best looking automotive air filter money can buy..."
HKS Mega Flow Filters
HKS state that engine power is directly related to the amount of air an engine can take in and expel. Therefore, one of the easiest and least expensive ways to increase the horsepower of any engine is to improve the airflow into the cylinders. However, many products in the marketplace sacrifice air filtration capability for improved air flow characteristics. HKS claim that their High Performance Air Filter Systems offer the ultimate in both air filtration and air flow for maximum engine performance. The elements use a special oil to stop unwanted dirt particles from passing through the multi-layer polyurethane filter. Filters are thrown away when their lifetime has expired and are replaced with new filters, which are inexpensive and easy to replace.

HKS Claim:

"The ultimate in both air filtration and air flow for maximum engine performance..."
Apexi Power Intake Filter
The Apexi dual funnel Power Intake has evolved from the Apexi Super Intake filter with some subtle refinements in the design and filter element. According to Apexi, this resulted in a 10% reduction in pressure drop by utilizing an upper and lower funnel. The Power Intake reduces air turbulence within the filter and creates smooth air flow into the throttle body. Maintenance is kept to a minimum as this filter is a dry-type air filter and will alleviate the problem of filter oil from "wet" air cleaners, interfering with the air-flow meter.

Apexi Claim:

"Accept No Imitations..."
K & N Filtercharger
K & N use their own unique design unlike others which use a conventional paper or foam material. K & N state that because the dirt particles are trapped inside the passages of foam or paper filters, that they eventually clog, and when this occurs, airflow restriction increases dramatically. The K & N Filtercharger uses a special cotton fabric which is sandwiched between aluminum screen wires. K & N claim that the pleated design provides five times more filtering surface over the element circumference. The filter is then saturated with an air filter oil which attracts particles of dirt and debris which build up on the outside of the filter.

K & N Claim:

"...Doubles the air flow...adds up to 15 extra horsepower..."

How they were tested.

The filters were tested on the quality of the filtration, simulated by using a vacuum cleaner and millions of microscopic dirt particles. The particles that penetrated the air filter, were collected on a secondary paper filter, so that a fair comparison could be performed, and the results could be compared like for like. As well as the fine particle test, the performance gains were also measured using each of the induction kits in the test. Therefore, in the quest to find the ultimate induction kit, the filters must not only filter the particles out efficiently, but must maximize the amount of clean air flow, through the filter. The winner would be the induction kit that filters the most dirt particles, whilst acheiving the maxmimum power output of the vehicle.

Technical Comparison

Filter Type Filtration Maintenance Cost BHP Gains
Blitz Sus

Dry Metallic Mesh Type Filter

Zero Maintenance - Lifetime Use. £200.00 13.9 bhp
HKS Mega Flow

Wet, Foam type filter.

Very Poor
Throw away. Change Filter every 10,000 Miles. Replacement filters cost around £25. £200.00 13 bhp
Apexi Power Intake

Dry, Mesh type filter.

Zero Maintenance - Lifetime Use. £200.00 14 bhp
K & N Filtercharger

Wet, Mesh type filter.

Lifetime Usage - Inspect every 30,000 Miles or 12 Months - Clean and re-oil, if appropriate. £200.00 13 bhp


The comparison clearly shows that the Apexi Power Intake filter wins the test, not only on filtration but also by providing the maximum power gains, with K & N, Blitz and HKS coming in second, third and last, respectively. From a filtration point of view, the photographic evidence shows that various induction kits had poor filtration properties, leaving high levels of dirt and carbon on the paper filters. Any deposits that are allowed through the filters, can potentially cause problems with the Air Flow Meters on the car, which are attached to the ends of the induction pipes. It is a fairly common fault with the Skyline, to 'blow' an A.F.M, and a large amount of carbon can be found coating the sensor in the A.F.M.

It is questionable how accurate the original source of data is, as HKS are proven to sell more induction kits than any one of the others featured in the test, and yet there induction kit rates as the worst kit in the test. This suggests that either HKS rely upon their brand name to sell their 'poorly' manufactured air filters, or that the original Japanese test was nothing more than a PR stunt to promote the lesser known equipment. HKS and Blitz continue to be the best selling induction kits in the UK, and are used by Middlehursts, Hiteq and Abbey Motorsport as their first choice when the induction kit modification is carried out.

One thing that does stand out is the fact that all the induction kits seem to offer similar performance gains, of around 13 - 14 bhp. This would seem consistant with actual power gains that have been confirmed by using a rolling road.

So the question still stands, "Which Induction Kit is the best?". Well, if you can trust the original source of data, then the clear winner is the Apexi Power Intake. For those of you that are more sceptical, the choice is probably more to do with the cosmetic looks of the induction kit, as the performance gains are very much the same.

sdutan dari http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/filters_test/2/
cek2 la sblm bli brng...k&n bnyk truan skunk...baek2 k..
esk amek gmbr yg dh siap pasang kat kete...

Monday, March 1, 2010

My new Symbian Phone - w960i

Kat Times Square

Kg Baru

Smiles Besides tears

Gurl Next To me

Shadow of bowlers

Rooftop view

Bisnes, duit sampingan...

hmmm...duit x ckup? acapkali mendatangi tatkala 'kekasih hati' wdr 1669 merajuk, bln nie ngajuk 2kar satay bush, swap tyar, dh kn dkt rm150...rabak poket....tu blom campur nk tambah skru kat chamber...adoiai, 150 dh sedia nk terbang, lg 150 nk buat tinted slamat ada voucher 450...hehehe...tp mmg rabak...terpaksa tnguh bln dpn nk wat tinted..sabo je lah....apa blh buat, 'kekasih ati' nie lah dh bnyak bersama dlm suka mahupun duka....nk x nk kn belai....terpaksalah cr pendapatan smpingan....moga2 kek lapis swak kali nie berjalan lancar...amin....terpaksa pulak kuarkan 200 dr simpanan nk buat modal....xpe janji jalan.....harap2 1 hari nanti dpt bukak enterprise sndiri...dealer kek lapis pon jdlah..hehehe...